Dr julian webber
Dr julian webber

dr julian webber

I think the literature is pretty unequivocal when it comes to the question of fracture and breakage of files. Now, when our team was looking at designing WaveOne Gold, we had a distinct target group in mind, general dentists using stainless steel hand files for shaping canals, dentists who were using too many shaping files, both hand and rotary, when only one shaping file was really needed, dentists breaking files, breaking rotary files and fearful of further breakages, those colleagues using alternative reciprocating files and looking to change to a less aggressive file, colleagues using hybrid techniques, different designs, different companies - why mix, only one, really, should do - and basically, spending too much time preparing canals. One single file in around 80 percent of cases to produce a perfect shape for 3-dimensional irrigation and disinfection and then, ultimately, obturation of the root canal system. WaveOne Gold is a very simple system, a super loose number 10 hand file followed by a WaveOne Gold Glider to expand the glide path, and then a WaveOne Gold primary to fully shape the canal. And finally, we came up with a product which we consider as probably one of the best file systems on the market. Frequent trips to the factory in Ballaigues, Switzerland, to the manufacturing plant, where we looked, tested prototypes, where we discussed designs with R&D. So, Cliff and I are on the WaveOne Gold Team, and we worked for many years with our dear colleagues, Sergio Kuttler, Willy Pertot, in developing what we considered to be one of the best file systems around. And since then, we’ve traveled together to many meetings, given lectures and courses together, and we have now designed together, as I will explain. Cliff and I have known each other for many years, since the mid-1980s, in fact, when you, Cliff, presented I believe at a special meeting to the British Endodontic Society, in Cambridge.


See Ruddle's complete library of downloadable PDF content at also Ruddle's complete Just-In-Time® Video Library at Hello, viewers of “The Ruddle Show.” I’m Julian Webber, and I bring you greetings from London, England, and with grateful thanks to you, Cliff, for airing my prerecorded presentation on WaveOne Gold on your show today. Just-In-Time® Video from : “Canal Preparation: WaveOne Technique”.Just-In-Time® Video from : “Canal Preparation featuring Gold Glider and W1G”.“Ruddle on the Radar” Article on WaveOne (see downloadable PDF below).


Webber’s Professional Website – Harley Street Centre for Endodontics:

dr julian webber

The World’s Best Dental Schools: 2022 Edition, Dentistry Today, 3 June 2022,.Julian Webber 46:30 - SEGMENT 2: Post-Presentation Discussion 54:40 - CLOSE: Influencers – Sports Moment Extra content referenced within show: Show Content & Timecodes01:00 - INTRO: World’s Best Dental Schools 06:42 - SEGMENT 1: WaveOne Gold Presentation by Dr.

Dr julian webber